March 09, 2012

Where to start?

Well Hello There!

I'm not entirely sure how motivated or even how often I'll remember to actually blog. I have so many ideas and potential projects in my head that I've always wanted to organize in one niffty little spot. Recently I landed myself in the hospital with a pretty scary health problem. Yeah, it could have been life threatening, and probably was there for a minute. And I'm not starting this blog to say "Oh all ye folks in this crazy world, listen up and learn to love life!". I mean that's great and all, there's something to be said for a person who truly appreciates waking up in the morning. But what I guess I'm trying to accomplish here is this change in health has made me realize all the things I REALLY want, and wanted to do, were always attainable. I was just too lazy, or too interested in wasting my time to actually succeed at accomplishing any of them.

Which is fine. I mean yeah I look back a few years (c'mon, I'm not that old!) and think of all the doohickys and projects I thought up and shake my head and say "Hey dumbass, you realize those things were perfectly within your grasp...right?" We're not talking bucket lists here. I married a great guy. I have some great jobs (I'm sure I'll bitch alllll about them). Great family, great friends (most of them, I'm getting a lot better at getting rid of the not great ones), and things are pretty effing okay.

So here goes. Hopefully I'll gain momentum and keep this bad boy rolling. I'm thinking recipes and projects, and pets, and life experience, and job experience, marriage experience, and like. Stuff. Yeah?

Hang in there. I'm much more entertaining after I warm up a bit.

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